Friday, October 12, 2007

What's your best or worst Halloween memory?


Unknown said...

My favorite Halloween was when I dressed up as Nancy Kerrigan. I was as "cool" as ice.

Okay, sorry, that was a really bad joke.

Anonymous said...

I was about 4 years old and back in the 80's we had those all-too cool plastic masks and plastic tarps with a costume painted on it. I was Strawberry Shortcake and was thrilled. My mom took a picture of me on the front step of our house before we went trick-or-treating and when she was done I went to get off the step. Apparently the plastic tarp was too long for me and my foot got hung in it. I managed to fall down all the concrete steps and landed right on my face. The all-too-sturdy mask cracked right down the middle and half of it fell off. I somehow managed to fight back the tears and carry my plastic pumpkin door-to-door to gather my candy. I got a lot that year. I think people felt sorry for me b/c I was the kid whos mask was half gone. I should have said I was the Phantom of the Shortcake Opera...ohhh that was a bad line huh?